The Healing Process

On the outside our bodies may look healthy and strong, but inside our body is sick with infections, inflammations, ulcers, tumors, etc. We look good on the outside, but we are SICK!

The only way sickness and illnesses can be identified is through tests – CT scans, blood samples, X-rays, colonoscopy, mammograms, etc. Now the treatment can begin.

Disclaimer: the treatment isn’t guaranteed to always be pain free!

Usually the treatment may include a round of antibiotics, but there is a problem with antibiotics. They not only kill the bad bacteria, but they also kill the good bacteria, which is necessary for fighting other infections.

In June, during quarantine, I had a rough month with some bad pain. Antibiotics was only the beginning of my ongoing treatment. Being sick gives one too much time to think and I was thinking of the similarity of sickness and antibiotics in our spiritual lives.

We look fine on the outside, in fact our friends think we have it all together, but the truth is we are SICK. We’re holding onto bitterness, abuse, neglect, pride, selfishness, control, list goes on. We paste our faces with smiles, hiding our excruciating pain!

The thing is we don’t need to be in pain or at least not alone! Just because I am a child of God it doesn’t make me invincible to life. We need God and people!

God, He may come in the form of people, instead will walk with us, carrying us if necessary! He’ll do an x-ray of our bones, mammogram on our heart, only for our files, because He is Omniscience – He knows everything!

He wants us to be healthy and gives us antibiotics(not killing the good), along with a handbook on how to prevent and treat the sickness, The Bible!

Every healing journey is different, so do what is necessary for your journey. Sometimes, we feel worse, before we get better. The 10 days that I was taking 2 different kinds of antibiotics, they made me feel terrible for at least 30 minutes to an hour after I took them. This is typically how it feels when God is treating our unforgiveness, shame, fear, pride, control and selfishness in our lives. There are situations that we need to revisit our past experiences, but this will be different in every situation.

There are some universal steps in every healing journey. Acceptance is one of those. Accepting the experience or event, doesn’t mean it was right, but its releasing you from the experience’s power. This takes time and that is okay!

It is through this process that we find joy, peace, restoration, comfort, freedom and life. Who doesn’t want that! God has called us to abundant lives(John 10:10), so give Him your pain today! God also uses people, so stay connected to your church body and if you need to, see a therapist!

The past is a part of our story, but it doesn’t have to define our story! Your story is not only your story, it also will help someone else heal one day!

Choose Healing!